In indiscussum vita non est vitalis.

Monday, 1 October 2012

The First

It's hard to start a new blog. And I'm not quite sure how to start this one.
I guess, just as an introduction, this blog is going to be for random thoughts, ideas, devotions, encouragements and perhaps some rants.
I know that blogs can get addicting (trust me, I've experienced this before), but I'm going to try and keep this under control.

So for some information, my name is Michelle and I'm a first year student at University of Toronto, St George campus.

My major at the moment is English, but we'll see how it goes as the years go by.

I want to be a teacher after I graduate, but we'll see where God leads me.

Oh yes, and I'm a Christian. The kind that believes that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, that there is the Holy Trinity (Father, Spirit, Son) and that there is no other way to Heaven than through Jesus. I try not to be too obnoxious about it and force it down your throat.

At the moment, I am a worship leader at Church on the Rock, as well as one of the sound engineers (I'm really not as pro as that title sounds, but that is what I do).

I have great parents. (And as most parents do, they get on my nerves).
I have a brother and a sister, both younger (who also get on my nerves).
And I have my adorable Bichon-Poodle dog, Melody (whom I will probably talk about a lot).

So far, that's all I really have to say.

I hope y'all enjoy your day.


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