In indiscussum vita non est vitalis.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just thought I'd say hi.
And happy thanksgiving, since it's thanksgiving day here in Canada...

The weekend has been pretty good so far. It was my mum's birthday yesterday, and well, we had a little party today with the Sinhala community that we're apart of.
It was quite nice.
And this family lives like, some where in the wilderness . I honestly don't understand how people can do that. I'm a city girl. I like the hustle and bustle of the city. But then again, I do like parks and such.
Just in conclusion, I don't plan on moving into a forest.

I really need to cut my hair. It's dyed blonde, as you can see, and the only way I can get my dark hair to that colour is to use bleach. So you can imagine just how spit the ends of my hair are.

The Love Story 3 is coming up in November. We're starting rehearsals for that.
Today's supposed to be the day I learn my trio song... We'll see how that goes.

Hope y'all had an amazing week.
And for all those who are going back to their university residences, I hope you have safe travels.

Happy thanksgiving (again)!


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